10 research outputs found

    Study on the Students’ Perception of Knowledge Usefulness and Necessity Concerning Tourists’ Protection

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    The subject concerning the protection of the consumers’ rights and interests is of high concern nowadays, because the market economy, by its mechanisms and by the principles it promotes is permanently associated with the notion of correctness. Considering the consumer’s needs, the notion of correctness from the market economy has in view the assurance of great informative possibilities, of choosing and buying the products at convenient prices, with a corresponding quality. The market should be transparent, the information should circulate freely, and the prices should be known. Consequently, the competition will be efficient, loyal, and beneficial for the consumer. Taking into account that one fundamental right of the consumer is to be informed and educated, we intend to realize a study on the identification and solving of the problems met by the students from the departments of Tourism Geography and Environmental Geography, concerning the usefulness and the necessity of a knowledge regarding the protection of tourism consumers. In correlation with this objective, we consider that the academic environment in which the students develop themselves represents an opportunity in what concerns sending and accumulating information from different fields, to efficiently contribute to the formation of a citizen who is aware of his rights as a consumer.consumers’ protection, tourism, problem identification, students

    The Perception of the Students Specializing Trade, Tourism and Services on the Importance of the Concept of Sustainable Development in Commercial Activities

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    Over time it has been shown that education is the most efficient and economical way to change the thinking of people to a specific problem and to produce the desired attitudinal change. Increased awareness and education are important tools in support of sustainable development, and complement the legal, regulatory and economic. This article presents a study made by the authors aimed to identify how students who have completed specialized studies in Economy Trade, Tourism and Services of the Department of Economics and Business Administration Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi perceive the concept of sustainable development and concerns of current managers on applying it in commercial activity; if they have mastered specific knowledge and if they feel that on their future job, as merchants or decision makers in commercial activity, will be able to consider strategies on sustainable development. An adjacent objective is related to perception the university's role in supporting sustainable development concept, by choosing disciplines, subjects taught and the transmission and the imposition of knowledge.sustainable development, education, commercial activity, the perception of students


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    La protection de consommateurs est une préoccupation permanente et active de l’UE. C’est le contexte dans lequel on peut encadrer la protection des consommateurs touristique. Il y en a une législation spécifique dans le domaine mais il doit être appliqué en concordance avec les réglementations plus générales qui concerne la protection des consommateurs. Le matériel ci dessous traite quelques problèmes encore en discussion ou il n’y a des réglementations ou de des réglementations assez claires. Ils sont été identifies des problèmes: sur la relation client – hôtelier, dans le transport par autocar et dans alimentation avec application en restauration


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    In the business field, the social networks based on ties of trust are an attribute of organizations with strong organizational culture where the social status is important. These networks are the source of social capital.Given the role of tourism industry in the development community, especially since 1990, according david a. Fennell (2003) the social capital can exist at the micro levelwith reference to social network sites that exist in the very strong social arrangements, at the meso-level with people throughout the community and at themacro level from an inter-community perspective. This article stresses the importance of network design and the social capital in support of sustainable tourism and how the partnerships between business, local and government authorities and bodies responsible for tourism development and default community may be an important active for an industry that brings many advantages in economic and social development in all areas of the world.</div

    The Nexus between Sustainable Behaviour of Tourists from Generation Z and the Factors That Influence the Protection of Environmental Quality

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    In a context in which tourism is considered to favour the degradation of the environment, it is important to promote forms of travel with low environmental impact. Globally, studies have shown a good understanding and increased receptivity to the practice of sustainable forms of travel among tourists. Therefore, this study proposes an analysis of the nexus between sustainable behaviour of tourists from Generation Z and the factors that influence the protection of environmental quality. The research methodology included the development and application of a questionnaire on a sample of 492 tourists belonging to Generation Z, with travel experience. The results showed nexus among the analysed factors and the Cronbach Alpha score for the latent variables: cultural factors (α = 0.769), personal factors (α = 0.829), psychological factors (α = 0.809), technological factors (α = 0.800), sustainable behaviour of young tourists (α = 0.910), social factors (α = 0.857) and conservation of the environmental quality (α = 0.906). The hypothesis regarding the testing of tourists’ sustainable behaviour in nexus with the protection of the environment quality was confirmed, even if the results of testing the nexus between the social factors and sustainable behaviour of Generation Z Romanian tourists could not be considered statistically significant. However, the study represents a contribution to the literature in a field concerned with this aspect of sustainability and interest, which is constantly growing, and for which, at least until now, there have been no studies in the literature pertaining to Romanian space

    The Nexus between Sustainable Behaviour of Tourists from Generation Z and the Factors That Influence the Protection of Environmental Quality

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    In a context in which tourism is considered to favour the degradation of the environment, it is important to promote forms of travel with low environmental impact. Globally, studies have shown a good understanding and increased receptivity to the practice of sustainable forms of travel among tourists. Therefore, this study proposes an analysis of the nexus between sustainable behaviour of tourists from Generation Z and the factors that influence the protection of environmental quality. The research methodology included the development and application of a questionnaire on a sample of 492 tourists belonging to Generation Z, with travel experience. The results showed nexus among the analysed factors and the Cronbach Alpha score for the latent variables: cultural factors (&alpha; = 0.769), personal factors (&alpha; = 0.829), psychological factors (&alpha; = 0.809), technological factors (&alpha; = 0.800), sustainable behaviour of young tourists (&alpha; = 0.910), social factors (&alpha; = 0.857) and conservation of the environmental quality (&alpha; = 0.906). The hypothesis regarding the testing of tourists&rsquo; sustainable behaviour in nexus with the protection of the environment quality was confirmed, even if the results of testing the nexus between the social factors and sustainable behaviour of Generation Z Romanian tourists could not be considered statistically significant. However, the study represents a contribution to the literature in a field concerned with this aspect of sustainability and interest, which is constantly growing, and for which, at least until now, there have been no studies in the literature pertaining to Romanian space

    Şantierul paleolitic de la Poiana Cireşului (Piatra Neamţ): o sinteză a rezultatelor recente (1998–2005) / The Poiana Cireşului Upper Paleolithic site – the last stage of research (1998–2005)

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    The Poiana Cireşului Upper Paleolithic site is located on the erosion level cut into the flysch strata, roughly equivalent in altitude to the middle (45 m) Bistriţa’s terrace, on the right shore of the river, 4 km N-W from the city of Piatra-Neamţ (North-Eastern Romania). The systematic excavations are currently carried out by an international Romanian, German and French team. The paper focuses on the recent results obtained during the last stage of research (1998– 2005) campaigns. The site displays one Neolithic layer and four documented paleolithic stages of occupation, already systematically uncovered during the last seven years. At least two more archaeological horizons lay below the last excavated one, as shown by the recent drills. The thin Neolithic layer stands in some poorly preserved pottery remains and a few scattered lithic tools, and it apparently belongs to Criş archaeological culture. The Paleolithic human presence is much more consistent. Except the very thin Tardiglaciar Epigravettian layer, partially disturbed by the late Neolithic activity, three other horizons were identified : a rich Epigravettian layer, resulted from at least three occupational episodes (Epigravettian II) and two Gravettian layers (Gravettian I and II). The paper stresses the richness of the archaeological record in the Epigravettian and Gravettian II layer. In this respect, the technological analysis of the stone and bone/ antler/ ivory industry is presented, together with a brief description of the stratigraphical evidences. The excellent state of preservation of the organic material, together with the richly documented human activity and the long geological sequence point to the central importance Poiana Ciresului holds, both for the understanding of the long-term Paleolithic cultural dynamics in this area and for the short-term behavioral variability.Cârciumaru Marin, Anghelinu Mircea, Lucas Géraldine, Niţă Loredana, Steguweit Leif, Mărgărit Monica, Fontana Laure, Brugère Alexis, Dumitraşcu Valentin, Hambach Ulrich, Cosac Marian, Cârstina Ovidiu, Dumitru Florin. Şantierul paleolitic de la Poiana Cireşului (Piatra Neamţ): o sinteză a rezultatelor recente (1998–2005) / The Poiana Cireşului Upper Paleolithic site – the last stage of research (1998–2005). In: Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), N°2 2007. 2000-2006. pp. 5-32

    Recent archaeological researches in the Vârghiș Gorges karst area (Eastern Carpathians, Romania). A synthesis of the 2014–2020 campaigns

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    The Vârghiș Gorges karst system (Perșani Mountains, Eastern Carpathians) constituted a point of interest for speleologists, paleontologists and archaeologists since the second half of the 19th century. Their efforts succeeded in highlighting the notable archaeological potential of the area, although the actual research results were not always thoroughly reported. Since 2014, our team reunited specialists from 10 different institutions and various fields of research and initiated archaeological excavations, coupled with achaeozoological, sedimentological and chronometric investigations, in several caves within the Vârghiș Gorges. As the paper below will show, although the results obtained so far are definitively informative, further investigation are clearly needed, in order to accurately clarify aspects pertaining to the intricate cultural and chronological framework.Sistemul carstic din Cheile Vârghișului (Munții Perșani, Carpații Orientali) a reprezentat un punct de interes pentru speologi, paleontologi și arheologi încă din a doua jumătate a secolului XIX. Demersurile acestora au evidențiat remarcabilul potențial arheologic al zonei, chiar dacă rezultatele investigațiilor propriu-zise nu au fost întotdeauna prezentate exhaustiv. Începând cu anul 2014, am alcătuit o echipă de specialiști din zece instituții de cercetare și variate domenii de specialitate și am inițiat săpături arheologice, însoțite de cercetări arheozoologice, sedimentologice și cronometrice, în câteva peșteri din Cheile Vârghișului. Așa cum reiese din observațiile prezentate, deși rezultatele obținute până în prezent oferă informații noi, cercetări viitoare sunt necesare pentru o mai bună înțelegere a complexității cadrului cronologic și cultural.Cosac Marian, Murătoreanu George, Veres Daniel, Niţă Loredana, Schmidt Cristoph, Hambach Ulrich, Radu Alexandru, Cuculici Roxana, Buzea Dan Lucian, Ștefan Dan, Mărgărit Monica, Vasile Ştefan, Dumitraşcu Valentin, Roşu Mariana, Petculescu Alexandru, Sava Tiberiu, Georgescu Valentin, Șerbănescu Gabriel, Geambașu Ionel. Recent archaeological researches in the Vârghiș Gorges karst area (Eastern Carpathians, Romania). A synthesis of the 2014–2020 campaigns. In: Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), H-S 2021. pp. 325-350